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Statistical model for Plum pox virus prediction in Prunus nursery blocks using vector and virus incidence data in four different European ecological areas
Eduardo Vidal, Luminita Antonela Zagrai, Tadeusz Malinowski, Grażyna Soika, Wojciech Warabieda, Elena Tasheva‐Terzieva, Snezhana Milusheva, Ioan Zagrai, Ivanka Kamenova, Valentina Bozhkova, Carmen Martínez, María Cambra‐López and Mariano Cambra Annals of Applied Biology 177(3) 308 (2020)
Flight phenology and trap selection for monitoring potential viral vector Aphididae and Aleyrodidae (Hemiptera) in strawberry (Rosaceae) fields of Québec, Canada
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Control of potato virus Y (PVY) in seed potatoes by oil spraying, straw mulching and intercropping
B. Dupuis, J. Cadby, G. Goy, M. Tallant, J. Derron, R. Schwaerzel and T. Steinger Plant Pathology 66(6) 960 (2017)
Surveys of Viruliferous Alate Aphid of Plum pox virus in Prunus mume Orchards in Japan
Kota Kimura, Tomio Usugi, Hideo Hoshi, Ayana Kato, Tsuyoshi Ono, Shinji Koyano, Satoshi Kagiwada, Takeshi Nishio and Shinya Tsuda Plant Disease 100(1) 40 (2016)
Flight dynamics and species composition of aphids landing on plum and apricot leaves in the orchards in Western Serbia
Horticultural mineral oil treatments in nurseries during aphid flights reduce Plum pox virus incidence under different ecological conditions
E. Vidal, L. Zagrai, S. Milusheva, V. Bozhkova, E. Tasheva‐Terzieva, I. Kamenova, I. Zagrai and M. Cambra Annals of Applied Biology 162(3) 299 (2013)
Epidemiology of Citrus tristeza virus in nursery blocks of Citrus macrophylla and evaluation of control measures
Assessment of the diversity and dynamics of Plum pox virus and aphid populations in transgenic European plums under Mediterranean conditions
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