Issue |
Volume 24, Number 6-7, September-November 2004
Crop model STICS (Simulateur mulTIdisciplinaire pour les Cultures Standard)
Page(s) | 305 - 313 | |
DOI | |
DOI: 10.1051/agro:2004030
Adaptation of the STICS model to subsurface drained soils
Julien Tournebizea, Cyril Kaoa, Nenad Nikolica and Daniel Zimmerba Cemagref, Drainage and Barrier Engineering Research Unit, Parc de Tourvoie, BP 44, 92163 Antony Cedex, France
b World Water Council, Les Docks de la Joliette, Atrium 10.3, 10 place de la Joliette, 13002 Marseille, France
(Received 16 July 2003; accepted 17 November 2003)
Abstract - The generic crop model STICS was modified to take into account shallow water-table fluctuations and subsurface drainage in the context of French waterlogged soils. This was accomplished by incorporating a subsurface drainage component into STICS code. The SIDRA (Simulation du Drainage) model was adapted to a daily time-step. For the dimensional aspect, the passage from two-dimensional drainage functioning to STICS one-dimensional conceptualization is done by taking an average water elevation between drain and mid-drain spacing. Simulation performances of the new STICS were evaluated by comparing its predictions with six years (1979-1983 and 1985-1986) of measured data from the field experiment of Arrou, located in northern France. Comparisons of STICS predictions with the measurements of drain-flow rates, total drained volumes and depths to water table for different crops and drain spacings were satisfactory. Nevertheless, the performances were better for drain spacings of less than 20 m and for winter crops or covers.
Key words: subsurface drainage / Hooghoudt's equation / crop water model / flow / water table
Corresponding author: Julien Tournebize
© INRA, EDP Sciences 2004