Caractérisation hydrodynamique d'un sol encroûté en zone sahélienne. 1. Approche expérimentale in situ p. 331 Pascal Perez, Pierre Todoroff, Jaodat Touma and Michel Fortier DOI: AbstractPDF (1.103 MB)
Caractérisation hydrodynamique d'un sol encroûté en zone sahélienne. 2. Modélisation du processus d'infiltration p. 341 Jaodat Touma, Pascal Perez and Pierre Todoroff DOI: AbstractPDF (798.3 KB)
Evolution of soil carbon with various cropping sequences on the rolling pampas. Determination of carbon origin using variations in natural 13C abundance p. 349 Adrian Andriulo, Jérôme Guérif and Bruno Mary DOI: AbstractPDF (1.358 MB)
Modelling soil carbon dynamics with various cropping sequences on the rolling pampas p. 365 Adrian Andriulo, Bruno Mary and Jérôme Guerif DOI: AbstractPDF (1.127 MB)
Analysis of the yield of two groups of tropical maize cultivars. Varietal characteristics, yield potentials, optimum densities p. 379 Pierre Siband, Joseph Wey, Robert Oliver, Philippe Letourmy and Hubert Manichon DOI: AbstractPDF (1.561 MB)
The release of phosphorus from heavily fertilized soils to dilute electrolytes: effect of soil properties p. 395 Antonio Delgado and José Torrent DOI: AbstractPDF (917.7 KB)
Methodology for choosing a model for wheat kernel growth p. 405 Nathalie Robert, Sylvie Huet, Christelle Hennequet and Annie Bouvier DOI: AbstractPDF (1.136 MB)
Genetic variation in Spanish populations of the genus Aegilops revealed by RAPDs p. 419 Juan-Vicente Monte, Carlos Casanova and Consuelo Soler DOI: AbstractPDF (1.133 MB)