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The Pitfalls of Relating Weeds, Herbicide Use, and Crop Yield: Don't Fall Into the Trap! A Critical Review

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A methodology for redesigning agroecological radical production systems at the farm level

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Innovative cropping systems to reduce N inputs and maintain wheat yields by inserting grain legumes and cover crops in southwestern France

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Innovative design for agriculture in the move towards sustainability: scientific challenges

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Quantifying the impact of crop protection practices on pesticide use in wine-growing systems

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European Journal of Agronomy 84 23 (2017)

Ambitious environmental and economic goals for the future of agriculture are unequally achieved by innovative cropping systems

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Agroecological Crop Protection

Jean-Philippe Deguine, Caroline Gloanec, Philippe Laurent, Alain Ratnadass and Jean-Noël Aubertot
Agroecological Crop Protection 163 (2017)

Methodology to design agroecological orchards: Learnings from on-station and on-farm experiences

Sylvaine Simon, Magalie Lesueur-Jannoyer, Daniel Plénet, Pierre-Éric Lauri and Fabrice Le Bellec
European Journal of Agronomy 82 320 (2017)

Assessing the sustainability of cropping systems in single- and multi-site studies. A review of methods

Violaine Deytieux, Nicolas Munier-Jolain and Jacques Caneill
European Journal of Agronomy 72 107 (2016)

A Meta‐Analysis of Maize and Wheat Yields in Low‐Input vs. Conventional and Organic Systems

Laure Hossard, David W. Archer, Michel Bertrand, Caroline Colnenne‐David, Philippe Debaeke, Maria Ernfors, Marie‐Helene Jeuffroy, Nicolas Munier‐Jolain, Chris Nilsson, Gregg R. Sanford, Sieg S. Snapp, Erik S. Jensen and David Makowski
Agronomy Journal 108 (3) 1155 (2016)

Low-input cropping systems to reduce input dependency and environmental impacts in maize production: A multi-criteria assessment

Simon Giuliano, Matthew R. Ryan, Grégory Véricel, et al.
European Journal of Agronomy 76 160 (2016)

Effects of integrated weed management based cropping systems on the water retention of a silty clay loam soil

C.C. Ugarte Nano, B. Nicolardot, M. Quinche, N. Munier-Jolain and M. Ubertosi
Soil and Tillage Research 156 74 (2016)

Uncertainty analysis and evaluation of a complex, multi-specific weed dynamics model with diverse and incomplete data sets

Nathalie Colbach, Michel Bertrand, Hugues Busset, et al.
Environmental Modelling & Software 86 184 (2016)

Cultivar and Year Rather than Agricultural Practices Affect Primary and Secondary Metabolites in Apple Fruit

Carine Le Bourvellec, Sylvie Bureau, Catherine M. G. C. Renard, et al.
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Transitional pathways towards input reduction on French field crop farms

E. Chantre, M. Cerf and M. Le Bail
International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability 13 (1) 69 (2015)

Ecological Intensification Through Pesticide Reduction: Weed Control, Weed Biodiversity and Sustainability in Arable Farming

Sandrine Petit, Nicolas Munier-Jolain, Vincent Bretagnolle, et al.
Environmental Management 56 (5) 1078 (2015)

Near-saturated hydraulic conductivity measured on a swelling silty clay loam for three integrated weed management based cropping systems

C.C. Ugarte Nano, B. Nicolardot and M. Ubertosi
Soil and Tillage Research 150 192 (2015)

Designing innovative productive cropping systems with quantified and ambitious environmental goals

Caroline Colnenne-David and Thierry Doré
Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems 30 (6) 487 (2015)

Efficacy of pest and pathogen control, yield and quality of winter lettuce crops managed with reduced pesticide applications

Virginie Barriere, François Lecompte and Françoise Lescourret
European Journal of Agronomy 71 34 (2015)

Effect of rainfall regimes and mulch decomposition on the dissipation and leaching of S -metolachlor and glyphosate: a soil column experiment

Sohaib Aslam, Akhtar Iqbal, Marjolaine Deschamps, et al.
Pest Management Science 71 (2) 278 (2015)

Assessing nitrate leaching in cropping systems based on integrated weed management using the STICS soil–crop model

C. Bécel, N.M. Munier-Jolain and B. Nicolardot
European Journal of Agronomy 62 46 (2015)

Fourteen years of evidence for positive effects of conservation agriculture and organic farming on soil life

Ludovic Henneron, Laetitia Bernard, Mickaël Hedde, et al.
Agronomy for Sustainable Development 35 (1) 169 (2015)

Effects of halving pesticide use on wheat production

L. Hossard, A. Philibert, M. Bertrand, C. Colnenne-David, P. Debaeke, N. Munier-Jolain, M. H. Jeuffroy, G. Richard and D. Makowski
Scientific Reports 4 (1) (2014)

Trajectories of French Field Crop Farmers Moving Toward Sustainable Farming Practices: Change, Learning, and Links with the Advisory Services

E. Chantre and A. Cardona
Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems 38 (5) 573 (2014)

Lettuce cropping with less pesticides. A review

Virginie Barrière, François Lecompte, Philippe C. Nicot, et al.
Agronomy for Sustainable Development 34 (1) 175 (2014)

Injury Profile SIMulator, a Qualitative Aggregative Modelling Framework to Predict Crop Injury Profile as a Function of Cropping Practices, and the Abiotic and Biotic Environment. I. Conceptual Bases

Jean-Noël Aubertot, Marie-Hélène Robin and Matteo Convertino
PLoS ONE 8 (9) e73202 (2013)

Does Integrated Weed Management affect the risk of crop diseases? A simulation case study with blackgrass weed and take-all disease

Delphine Mézière, Philippe Lucas, Sylvie Granger and Nathalie Colbach
European Journal of Agronomy 47 33 (2013)

Changes in soil quality and plant available water capacity following systems re-design on commercial vegetable farms

F. Alliaume, W.A.H. Rossing, M. García, K.E. Giller and S. Dogliotti
European Journal of Agronomy 46 10 (2013)

Stockless organic farming: strengths and weaknesses evidenced by a multicriteria sustainability assessment model

Bruno Colomb, Matthieu Carof, Anne Aveline and Jacques-Eric Bergez
Agronomy for Sustainable Development 33 (3) 593 (2013)

Sustainability of European maize-based cropping systems: Economic, environmental and social assessment of current and proposed innovative IPM-based systems

V.P. Vasileiadis, A.C. Moonen, M. Sattin, et al.
European Journal of Agronomy 48 1 (2013)

Is Integrated Weed Management efficient for reducing environmental impacts of cropping systems? A case study based on life cycle assessment

Violaine Deytieux, Thomas Nemecek, Ruth Freiermuth Knuchel, Gérard Gaillard and Nicolas M. Munier-Jolain
European Journal of Agronomy 36 (1) 55 (2012)

A methodology for designing and evaluating alternative cropping systems: Application on dairy and arable farms

Mattia Fumagalli, Marco Acutis, Fabrizio Mazzetto, et al.
Ecological Indicators 23 189 (2012)

Model-based design of integrated production systems: a review

Mohamed-Mahmoud Ould-Sidi and Françoise Lescourret
Agronomy for Sustainable Development 31 (3) 571 (2011)

Pesticide use in current and innovative apple orchard systems

Sylvaine Simon, Laurent Brun, Johanny Guinaudeau and Benoît Sauphanor
Agronomy for Sustainable Development 31 (3) 541 (2011)

An economic analysis of the possibility of reducing pesticides in French field crops

Florence Jacquet, Jean-Pierre Butault and Laurence Guichard
Ecological Economics 70 (9) 1638 (2011)

Facing up to the paradigm of ecological intensification in agronomy: Revisiting methods, concepts and knowledge

Thierry Doré, David Makowski, Eric Malézieux, et al.
European Journal of Agronomy 34 (4) 197 (2011)

Emerging agroscience

Éric Lichtfouse, Marjolaine Hamelin, Mireille Navarrete, Philippe Debaeke and Agnès Henri
Agronomy for Sustainable Development 30 (1) 1 (2010)