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Emitter spacing, depth of lateral placement, and nutrient levels affect productivity of cotton-wheat cropping system under sub-surface drip fertigation
Improving nitrogen use efficiency in irrigated cotton production
Clemens Scheer, David W. Rowlings, Diogenes L. Antille, Massimiliano De Antoni Migliorati, Kathrin Fuchs and Peter R. Grace Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 125(2) 95 (2023)
Analysis of Hotspots in Subsurface Drip Irrigation Research Using CiteSpace
Reduced tillage and subsurface fertigation improve productivity and economic benefits in the cotton-wheat cropping system
Kulvir Singh, Manpreet Singh, Sudhir Kumar Mishra, Walid Soufan, Muhammad Habib-ur-Rahman and Ayman El Sabagh Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 7 (2023)
Sub-surface drip fertigation improves seed cotton yield and monetary returns
Kulvir Singh, Prabhsimran Singh, Manpreet Singh, Sudhir Kumar Mishra, Rashid Iqbal, Ibrahim Al-Ashkar, Muhammad Habib-ur-Rahman and Ayman El Sabagh Frontiers in Plant Science 13 (2022)
Banded urea placement did not affect nitrous oxide emission from furrow-irrigated Vertisols
Aerated Irrigation of Different Irrigation Levels and Subsurface Dripper Depths Affects Fruit Yield, Quality and Water Use Efficiency of Greenhouse Tomato
Nitrogen composition in furrow irrigated run-off water
B.C.T. Macdonald, G. Nachimuthu, Y.F Chang, A.J. Nadelko, S. Tuomi and M. Watkins Agricultural Water Management 242 106399 (2020)
Evaluation of aerated subsurface drip irrigation on yield, dry weight partitioning and water use efficiency of a broad-acre chickpea (Cicer arietinum, L.) in a vertosol
Improved prediction of farm nitrous oxide emission through an understanding of the interaction among climate extremes, soil nitrogen dynamics and irrigation water
The current status of nitrogen fertiliser use efficiency and future research directions for the Australian cotton industry
Ben C. T. MACDONALD, James O. LATIMER, Graeme D. SCHWENKE, Gunasekhar NACHIMUTHU and Jonathan C. BAIRD Journal of Cotton Research 1(1) (2018)
Tracking fertiliser and soil nitrogen in irrigated cotton: uptake, losses and the soil N stock
B. C. T. Macdonald, Y. F. Chang, A. Nadelko, S. Tuomi and M. Glover Soil Research 55(3) 264 (2017)
Potential contributions of surface and ground water to nitrous oxide emissions from irrigated cotton production systems
Contribution of the cotton irrigation network to farm nitrous oxide emissions
B. C. T. Macdonald, A. Nadelko, Y. Chang, M. Glover and S. Warneke Soil Research 54(5) 651 (2016)
The effect of El Niño Southern Oscillation cycles on the decadal scale suspended sediment behavior of a coastal dry‐summer subtropical catchment
Andrew B. Gray, Gregory B. Pasternack, Elizabeth B. Watson, Jonathan A. Warrick and Miguel A. Goñi Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 40(2) 272 (2015)
Subsurface Drip and Overhead Irrigation Effects on Conservation-tilled Cotton in the San Joaquin Valley
Joy Hollingsworth, Jeffrey P. Mitchell, Daniel S. Munk, Bruce A. Roberts and Anil Shrestha Journal of Crop Improvement 28(3) 324 (2014)
Drip vs. surface irrigation: A comparison focussing on water saving and economic returns using multicriteria analysis applied to cotton
The Australian Cotton Industry and four decades of deep drainage research: a review
D. M. Silburn, J. L. Foley, A. J. W. Biggs, J. Montgomery and T. A. Gunawardena Crop and Pasture Science 64(12) 1049 (2013)
Benefits of oxygation of subsurface drip-irrigation water for cotton in a Vertosol
L. Pendergast, S. P. Bhattarai and D. J. Midmore Crop and Pasture Science 64(12) 1171 (2013)
Water-use efficiency and productivity trends in Australian irrigated cotton: a review
Guy Roth, Graham Harris, Malcolm Gillies, Janelle Montgomery and David Wigginton Crop and Pasture Science 64(12) 1033 (2013)
Impact of oxygation on soil respiration, yield and water use efficiency of three crop species
Biodiversity, Biofuels, Agroforestry and Conservation Agriculture
Surya P. Bhattarai, David J. Midmore and Ninghu Su Sustainable Agriculture Reviews, Biodiversity, Biofuels, Agroforestry and Conservation Agriculture 5 253 (2010)