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Mitigation of arsenic and zinc toxicity in municipal sewage sludge through co-pyrolysis with zero-valent iron: A promising approach for toxicity reduction of sewage sludge
Biostabilization of fecal sludge and tannery liming sludge: A novel approach
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Functional groups and mineralization kinetics of soil organic matter under contrasting hydro‐thermal regimes under conservation agriculture‐based rice–wheat system in eastern Indo‐Gangetic Plains
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Sustainable control of invasive plants: Compost production, quality and effects on wheat germination
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Effects of the Ingredients on Maturity and Humification during Kitchen Waste Composting as Illustrated by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
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Production of bio‐fertilizer by biotransformation of poultry waste enriched with molasses and algae
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Spectroscopy Techniques for Monitoring the Composting Process: A Review
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Impact of long-term manuring and cropping system on stability of humus associated with clay-organic complex
Composting of limed fleshings generated in a tannery: sustainable waste management
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Exploration of browning reactions during alkaline thermal hydrolysis of sludge: Maillard reaction, caramelization and humic acid desorption
Structure of the humic acid-like compounds of raw and hydrothermally treated sewage sludge
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Humification evaluation and carbon recalcitrance of a rapid thermochemical digestate fertiliser from degradable solid waste for climate change mitigation in the tropics
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Surface modification of thin film composite forward osmosis membrane using graphene nanosheets for water desalination
Role of different earthworm species in nullifying the toxicity of Ipomea carnea and enhancing its utility as a phytoremediator
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Coupling effect of high temperature and thermophilic bacteria indirectly accelerates the humification process of municipal sludge in hyperthermophilic composting
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Effects of Humic Materials on Soil N Transformation and NH3 Loss when Co-applied with 3, 4-Dimethylpyrazole Phosphate and Urea
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Bio-Augmentation as an Emerging Strategy to Improve the Textile Compost Quality Using Identified Autochthonous Strains
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Formation of Recalcitrant Compounds during Anaerobic Digestion of Thermally Pre-Treated Sludge: A Critical Macromolecular and Structural Study
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Assessing Factors Controlling Structural Changes of Humic Acids in Soils Amended with Organic Materials to Improve Soil Functionality
Collins Amoah-Antwi, Jolanta Kwiatkowska-Malina, Ewa Szara, Owen Fenton, Steven F. Thornton and Grzegorz Malina Agronomy 12(2) 283 (2022)
High capacity Pb(II) adsorption characteristics onto raw- and chemically activated waste activated sludge
Evaluation of the nutrients cycle, humification process, and agronomic efficiency of organic wastes composting enriched with phosphate sludge
Ayoub Haouas, Cherkaoui El Modafar, Allal Douira, Saâd Ibnsouda-Koraichi, Abdelkarim Filali-Maltouf, Abdelmajid Moukhli and Soumia Amir Journal of Cleaner Production 302 127051 (2021)
The impacts of oxytetracycline on humification during manure composting can be alleviated by adjusting initial moisture contents as illustrated by NMR
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Phosphate sludge: opportunities for use as a fertilizer in deficient.
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Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Sorption by Functionalized Humic Acids Immobilized in Micro- and Nano-Zeolites
Sediment organic matter description from an urban wetland: multivariate analysis of FT-IR bands to determine its origin
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Spectroscopic characterization of humic substances isolated from tropical mangrove sediments
H2O2-assisted photocatalysis for removal of natural organic matter using nanosheet C3N4-WO3 composite under visible light and the hybrid system with ultrafiltration
Synergistic effect of humic acid on alkali pretreatment of sugarcane bagasse for the recovery of lignin with phenomenal properties
R. Uma Maheswari, Musthafa O. Mavukkandy, Utpal Adhikari, Vincenzo Naddeo, Jaya Sikder and Hassan A. Arafat Biomass and Bioenergy 134 105486 (2020)
Spectroscopic characterization of organic matter transformation during composting of textile solid waste using UV–Visible spectroscopy, Infrared spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction (XRD)
Change of soil quality based on humic acid with date palm compost incorporation
Hadda Ben Mbarek, Imen Ben Mahmoud, Rayda Chaker, et al. International Journal of Recycling of Organic Waste in Agriculture 8(3) 317 (2019)
Bioremediation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) present in biomass fly ash by co-composting and co-vermicomposting
Pb2+ adsorption by a compost obtained from the treatment of tobacco from smuggled cigarettes and industrial sewage sludge
Daniele Cristina Hass Seremeta, Cleber Pinto da Silva, Rosimara Zittel and Sandro Xavier de Campos Environmental Science and Pollution Research 26(1) 797 (2019)
Effective Removal of Humic Acid from Aqueous Solution in an Al-Based Metal–Organic Framework
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Modification of forward osmosis membrane with naturally-available humic acid: Towards simultaneously improved filtration performance and antifouling properties
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Composting of smuggled cigarettes tobacco and industrial sewage sludge in reactors: Physicochemical, phytotoxic and spectroscopic study
Experimental study of the natural organic matters effect on the power generation of reverse electrodialysis
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Characterization and Cu sorption properties of humic acid from the decomposition of rice straw
A network perspective reveals decreasing material diversity in studies on nanoparticle interactions with dissolved organic matter
Nicole Sani-Kast, Jérôme Labille, Patrick Ollivier, Danielle Slomberg, Konrad Hungerbühler and Martin Scheringer Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114(10) (2017)
Nano modification of NZVI with an aquatic plant Azolla filiculoides to remove Pb(II) and Hg(II) from water: Aging time and mechanism study
M. Arshadi, M.K. Abdolmaleki, F. Mousavinia, S. Foroughifard and A. Karimzadeh Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 486 296 (2017)
Bioconversion of marine trash fish (MTF) to organic liquid fertilizer for effective solid waste management and its efficacy on Tomato growth
L Aranganathan, Assistant Professor Praveen Kumar Ramanujam and Radhika Rajasree S.R. Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal 27(1) 93 (2016)
Nutrient leaching and copper speciation in compost-amended bioretention systems
A humic acid-polyquaternium-10 stoichiometric self-assembled fibrilla polyelectrolyte complex: Effect of pH on synthesis, characterization, and drug release
Margaret Siyawamwaya, Yahya E. Choonara, Pradeep Kumar, et al. International Journal of Polymeric Materials and Polymeric Biomaterials 65(11) 550 (2016)
Characterization and Feasibility Assessment of Recycled Paper Mill Sludges for Land Application in Relation to the Environment
Rosazlin Abdullah, Che Ishak, Wan Kadir and Rosenani Bakar International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 12(8) 9314 (2015)
Physicochemical characterization of sewage sludge and green waste for agricultural utilization
Treatment of wood leachate with high polyphenols content by peat and carbon-containing fly ash filters
Henric Svensson, Marcia Marques, Britt-Marie Svensson, Lennart Mårtensson, Amit Bhatnagar and William Hogland Desalination and Water Treatment 53(8) 2041 (2015)
A new and effective nanobiocomposite for sequestration of Cd(II) ions: Nanoscale zerovalent iron supported on sineguelas seed waste
NaOH pretreatment of compost derived from olive tree pruning waste biomass greatly improves biosorbent characteristics for the removal of Pb2+and Ni2+from aqueous solutions
Ioannis Anastopoulos, Maria Panagiotou, Constantinos Ehaliotis, Petros A. Tarantilis and Ioannis Massas Chemistry and Ecology 31(8) 724 (2015)
Genesis of structural features of humic acids from the sediments of a high productive coastal zone
Changes in physical, chemical, and microbiological properties during the two-stage co-composting of green waste with spent mushroom compost and biochar
Influences of pyrolysis conditions in the production and chemical composition of the bio-oils from fast pyrolysis of sewage sludge
Xin Huang, Jing-Pei Cao, Peng Shi, Xiao-Yan Zhao, Xiao-Bo Feng, Yun-Peng Zhao, Xing Fan, Xian-Yong Wei and Takayuki Takarada Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 110 353 (2014)
Impact of contamination and pre‐treatment on stable carbon and nitrogen isotopic composition of charred plant remains
Petra Vaiglova, Christophe Snoeck, Erika Nitsch, Amy Bogaard and Julia Lee‐Thorp Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 28(23) 2497 (2014)
Composting improves biosorption of Pb2+ and Ni2+ by renewable lignocellulosic materials. Characteristics and mechanisms involved
Sorption of heavy metals from aqueous solution by dehydrated powders of aquatic plants
P. Y. Deng, W. Liu, B. Q. Zeng, Y. K. Qiu and L. S. Li International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 10(3) 559 (2013)
Carbon storage in a heavy clay soil landfill site after biosolid application
Characterization by Fluorescence of Organic Matter from Oxisols under Sewage Sludge Applications
Larissa Macedo dos Santos, Débora Marcondes Bastos, Pereira Milori, Marcelo Luiz Simões, Wilson Tadeu Lopes da Silva, Edenir Rodrigues Pereira-Filho, Wanderley José de Melo and Ladislau Martin-Neto Soil Science Society of America Journal 74(1) 94 (2010)
Emerging agroscience
Éric Lichtfouse, Marjolaine Hamelin, Mireille Navarrete, Philippe Debaeke and Agnès Henri Agronomy for Sustainable Development 30(1) 1 (2010)
Laboratory appraisal of organic carbon changes in mixtures made with different inorganic wastes
The complementary use of 1H NMR, 13C NMR, FTIR and size exclusion chromatography to investigate the principal structural changes associated with composting of organic materials with diverse origin