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Estimation of reference evapotranspiration using some class-A pan evaporimeter pan coefficient estimation models in Mediterranean–Southeastern Anatolian transitional zone conditions of Turkey
Rice growth period detection and paddy field evapotranspiration estimation based on an improved SEBAL model: Considering the applicable conditions of the advection equation
Effects of plant spacing on evapotranspiration for estimating crop coefficient of Japonica rice
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Development of Jensen Haise Method Reference Evapotranspiration Estimation Equations Suitable for Black Sea Region Climatic Conditions
Climate change impacts on reference evapotranspiration in South Korea over the recent 100 years
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Estimación de la evapotranspiración del cultivo de arroz en Perú mediante el algoritmo METRIC e imágenes VANT
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Field Measurement of Cotton Seedling Evapotranspiration
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Nitrogen Loss from Paddy Field with Different Water and Nitrogen Managements in Taihu Lake Region of China
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Determination of maize crop coefficients in humid climate regime using the eddy covariance technique