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Growth of Young Olive Trees: Water Requirements in Relation to Canopy and Root Development

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Modelling root–soil interactions using three–dimensional models of root growth, architecture and function

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Quantification and Modeling of Local Root Water Uptake Using Neutron Radiography and Deuterated Water

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Large-scale sequestration of atmospheric carbon via plant roots in natural and agricultural ecosystems: why and how

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Parameterizing a Dynamic Architectural Model of the Root System of Spring Barley from Minirhizotron Data

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Modeling Phosphorus Uptake by a Growing and Exuding Root System

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Acquisition of phosphorus and other poorly mobile nutrients by roots. Where do plant nutrition models fail?

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A one-dimensional model of water flow in soil-plant systems based on plant architecture

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A method for linking results from an evaluation of land use scenarios from the viewpoint of flood prevention and nature conservation

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Breeding crop plants with deep roots: their role in sustainable carbon, nutrient and water sequestration

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Simple physics-based models of compensatory plant water uptake: concepts and eco-hydrological consequences

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Microwave Imaging of Soil Water Diffusion Using the Linear Sampling Method

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Root traits and yield in sugar beet: identification of AFLP markers associated with root elongation rate

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Reconciling root plasticity and architectural ground rules in tree root growth models with voxel automata

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Plant and Soil 337 (1-2) 77 (2010)

The algorithmic beauty of plant roots – an L-System model for dynamic root growth simulation

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Water deficit and nitrogen nutrition of crops. A review

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Agronomy for Sustainable Development 30 (3) 529 (2010)

Measurement strategies for a confined microwave circular scanner

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Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering 17 (6) 787 (2009)

Rhizosphere: biophysics, biogeochemistry and ecological relevance

Philippe Hinsinger, A. Glyn Bengough, Doris Vetterlein and Iain M. Young
Plant and Soil 321 (1-2) 117 (2009)

Rapid Clay Weathering in the Rhizosphere of Norway Spruce and Oak in an Acid Forest Ecosystem

Christophe Calvaruso, Louis Mareschal, Marie-Pierre Turpault and Elisabeth Leclerc
Soil Science Society of America Journal 73 (1) 331 (2009)

Neutron radiography as a tool for revealing root development in soil: capabilities and limitations

Ahmad B. Moradi, Héctor M. Conesa, Brett Robinson, et al.
Plant and Soil 318 (1-2) 243 (2009)

Assessing and analyzing 3D architecture of woody root systems, a review of methods and applications in tree and soil stability, resource acquisition and allocation

Frédéric Danjon and Bert Reubens
Plant and Soil 303 (1-2) 1 (2008)

Root foraging in response to heterogeneous soil moisture in two grapevines that differ in potential growth rate

Taryn L. Bauerle, David R. Smart, William L. Bauerle, Christine Stockert and David M. Eissenstat
New Phytologist 179 (3) 857 (2008)

Phenotypic plasticity with respect to salt stress response by Lotus glaber: the role of its AM fungal and rhizobial symbionts

Mariela Echeverria, Agustina Azul Scambato, Analía Inés Sannazzaro, et al.
Mycorrhiza 18 (6-7) 317 (2008)

Olive (Olea europaeaL.) Root Growth in Soil Sectors with Olive Husks and Hay Residues

Veronica Giorgi, Davide Neri, Enrico Maria Lodolini and Francesca Massetani
International Journal of Fruit Science 7 (4) 19 (2008)

Characterisation of hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) roots under different growing conditions

Stefano Amaducci, Alessandro Zatta, Marco Raffanini and Gianpietro Venturi
Plant and Soil 313 (1-2) 227 (2008)

Consequences of slotting on the pore characteristics of a sandy soil in northeast Thailand

C. Hartmann, G. Lesturgez, P. Sindhusen, S. Ratana‐Anupap, V. Hallaire, A. Bruand and R. Poss
Soil Use and Management 24 (1) 100 (2008)

Analysis of land use change in the Eastern Ore Mts. regarding both nature protection and flood prevention

Mariusz Merta, Christina Seidler, Sylvi Bianchin, Herman Heilmeier and Elke Richert
Soil and Water Research 3 (Special Issue 1) S105 (2008)

Root Functional Architecture: A Framework for Modeling the Interplay between Roots and Soil

Alain Pierret, Claude Doussan, Yvan Capowiez, François Bastardie and Loïc Pagès
Vadose Zone Journal 6 (2) 269 (2007)

Experimental evaluation of an efflux–influx model of C exudation by individual apical root segments

Emmanuelle Personeni, Christophe Nguyen, Patrice Marchal and Loïc Pagès
Journal of Experimental Botany 58 (8) 2091 (2007)

Comparing different approaches to calculate the effects of heterogeneous root distribution on nutrient uptake: a case study on subsoil nitrate uptake by a barley root system

Michael Kohl, Ulf Böttcher and Henning Kage
Plant and Soil 298 (1-2) 145 (2007)

Water Uptake by Plant Roots: II – Modelling of Water Transfer in the Soil Root-system with Explicit Account of Flow within the Root System – Comparison with Experiments

Claude Doussan, Alain Pierret, Emmanuelle Garrigues and Loïc Pagès
Plant and Soil 283 (1-2) 99 (2006)

Unusual Fine Root Distributions of Two Deciduous Tree Species in Southern France: What Consequences for Modelling of Tree Root Dynamics?

R. Mulia and C. Dupraz
Plant and Soil 281 (1-2) 71 (2006)

Rhizosphere geometry and heterogeneity arising from root‐mediated physical and chemical processes

Philippe Hinsinger, George R. Gobran, Peter J. Gregory and Walter W. Wenzel
New Phytologist 168 (2) 293 (2005)