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Analyzing Changes in Maize Leaves Orientation due to GxExM Using an Automatic Method from RGB Images
Mario Serouart, Raul Lopez-Lozano, Gaëtan Daubige, Maëva Baumont, Brigitte Escale, Benoit De Solan and Frédéric Baret Plant Phenomics 5 0046 (2023)
Unpacking the drivers of diurnal dynamics of sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF): Canopy structure, plant physiology, instrument configuration and retrieval methods
Christine Y. Chang, Jiaming Wen, Jimei Han, Oz Kira, Julie LeVonne, Jeffrey Melkonian, Susan J. Riha, Joseph Skovira, Sharon Ng, Lianhong Gu, Jeffrey D. Wood, Paul Näthe and Ying Sun Remote Sensing of Environment 265 112672 (2021)
Exploring Seasonal and Circadian Rhythms in Structural Traits of Field Maize from LiDAR Time Series
Does the critical N dilution curve for maize crop vary across genotype x environment x management scenarios? - a Bayesian analysis
Ignacio A. Ciampitti, Javier Fernandez, Santiago Tamagno, Ben Zhao, Gilles Lemaire and David Makowski European Journal of Agronomy 123 126202 (2021)
3-D Modeling of Tomato Canopies Using a High-Resolution Portable Scanning Lidar for Extracting Structural Information
Estimating vertical plant area density profile and growth parameters of a wheat canopy at different growth stages using three-dimensional portable lidar imaging