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Bitemporal Radiative Transfer Modeling Using Bitemporal 3D-Explicit Forest Reconstruction from Terrestrial Laser Scanning
Chang Liu, Kim Calders, Niall Origo, Louise Terryn, Jennifer Adams, Jean-Philippe Gastellu-Etchegorry, Yingjie Wang, Félicien Meunier, John Armston, Mathias Disney, William Woodgate, Joanne Nightingale and Hans Verbeeck Remote Sensing 16(19) 3639 (2024)
3D Monte Carlo surface-atmosphere radiative transfer modelling with DART
Yingjie Wang, Nicolas Lauret, Omar Regaieg, Xuebo Yang, Jordan Guilleux, Eric Chavanon, Abdelaziz Kallel, Mustapha Moulana, Jérôme Colin, Olivier Hagolle, Didier Ramon and Jean-Philippe Gastellu-Etchegorry Remote Sensing of Environment 301 113946 (2024)
Directional reflectance of light from landscapes on a long transect in Australia – forest to desert
Individual tree point clouds and tree measurements from multi-platform laser scanning in German forests
Hannah Weiser, Jannika Schäfer, Lukas Winiwarter, Nina Krašovec, Fabian E. Fassnacht and Bernhard Höfle Earth System Science Data 14(7) 2989 (2022)
DART-Lux: An unbiased and rapid Monte Carlo radiative transfer method for simulating remote sensing images
Yingjie Wang, Abdelaziz Kallel, Xuebo Yang, Omar Regaieg, Nicolas Lauret, Jordan Guilleux, Eric Chavanon and Jean-Philippe Gastellu-Etchegorry Remote Sensing of Environment 274 112973 (2022)
Assessing the contribution of understory sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence through 3-D radiative transfer modelling and field data
Correcting Crown-Level Clumping Effect for Improving Leaf Area Index Retrieval From Large-Footprint LiDAR: A Study Based on the Simulated Waveform and GLAS Data
Hailan Jiang, Guangjian Yan, Yiyi Tong, Shiyu Cheng, Xuebo Yang, Ronghai Hu, Linyuan Li, Xihan Mu, Donghui Xie, Wuming Zhang, Guoqing Zhou and Felix Morsdorf IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing 14 12386 (2021)
Influencing Factors in Estimation of Leaf Angle Distribution of an Individual Tree from Terrestrial Laser Scanning Data
Hailan Jiang, Ronghai Hu, Guangjian Yan, Shiyu Cheng, Fan Li, Jianbo Qi, Linyuan Li, Donghui Xie and Xihan Mu Remote Sensing 13(6) 1159 (2021)
Effects of Plant and Scene Modeling on Canopy NDVI Simulation: A Case Study on Phragmites Australis and Spartina Alterniflora
Zhu Tao, Runhe Shi, Jean-Philippe Gastellu-Etchegorry, Jiayin Shi, Nan Wu, Bo Tian and Wei Gao IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing 14 6451 (2021)
Impact of Beam Diameter and Scanning Approach on Point Cloud Quality of Terrestrial Laser Scanning in Forests
Meinrad Abegg, Ruedi Boesch, Michael E. Schaepman and Felix Morsdorf IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 59(10) 8153 (2021)
Coupled retrieval of the three phases of water from spaceborne imaging spectroscopy measurements
Improved Supervised Learning-Based Approach for Leaf and Wood Classification From LiDAR Point Clouds of Forests
Sruthi M. Krishna Moorthy, Kim Calders, Matheus B. Vicari and Hans Verbeeck IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 58(5) 3057 (2020)
Leaf and wood classification framework for terrestrial LiDAR point clouds
Matheus B. Vicari, Mathias Disney, Phil Wilkes, Andrew Burt, Kim Calders, William Woodgate and Robert Freckleton Methods in Ecology and Evolution 10(5) 680 (2019)
Using Native Vegetation Screens to Lessen the Visual Impact of Rural Buildings in the Sierras de Béjar and Francia Biosphere Reserve: Case Studies and Public Survey
Emulation as an Accurate Alternative to Interpolation in Sampling Radiative Transfer Codes
Jorge Vicent, Jochem Verrelst, Juan Pablo Rivera-Caicedo, Neus Sabater, Jordi Munoz-Mari, Gustau Camps-Valls and Jose Moreno IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing 11(12) 4918 (2018)
VBRT: A novel voxel-based radiative transfer model for heterogeneous three-dimensional forest scenes
Architectural modelling of an olive tree. Generative tools for the scientific visualization of morphology and radiation relationships
Marco Filippucci, Gabriele Rinchi, Antonio Brunori, Luigi Nasini, Luca Regni and Primo Proietti Ecological Informatics 36 84 (2016)
Quantifying the impact of woody material on leaf area index estimation from hemispherical photography using 3D canopy simulations
Emulation of Leaf, Canopy and Atmosphere Radiative Transfer Models for Fast Global Sensitivity Analysis
Jochem Verrelst, Neus Sabater, Juan Rivera, Jordi Muñoz-Marí, Jorge Vicent, Gustau Camps-Valls and José Moreno Remote Sensing 8(8) 673 (2016)
A model-based framework for the quality assessment of surface albedo in situ measurement protocols
Jennifer Adams, Nadine Gobron, Jean-Luc Widlowski and Corrado Mio Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 180 126 (2016)
Handbook of Research on Visual Computing and Emerging Geometrical Design Tools
Primo Proietti, Marco Filippucci, Luigi Nasini, Luca Regni and Antonio Brunori Advances in Media, Entertainment, and the Arts, Handbook of Research on Visual Computing and Emerging Geometrical Design Tools 898 (2016)
K. Calders, A. Burt, N. Origo, M. Disney, J. Nightingale, P. Raumonen and P. Lewis 1765 (2016)
Waveform lidar over vegetation: An evaluation of inversion methods for estimating return energy
Discrete Anisotropic Radiative Transfer (DART 5) for Modeling Airborne and Satellite Spectroradiometer and LIDAR Acquisitions of Natural and Urban Landscapes
Jean-Philippe Gastellu-Etchegorry, Tiangang Yin, Nicolas Lauret, Thomas Cajgfinger, Tristan Gregoire, Eloi Grau, Jean-Baptiste Feret, Maïlys Lopes, Jordan Guilleux, Gérard Dedieu, Zbyněk Malenovský, Bruce Cook, Douglas Morton, Jeremy Rubio, Sylvie Durrieu, Gregory Cazanave, Emmanuel Martin and Thomas Ristorcelli Remote Sensing 7(2) 1667 (2015)
Modelling of fraction of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation in vegetation canopy and its validation
Rongyuan Liu, Huazhong Ren, Suhong Liu, Qiang Liu and Xiaowen Li Biosystems Engineering 133 81 (2015)
Sangram Ganguly, Ramakrishna R. Nemani, Frederic Baret, Jian Bi, Marie Weiss, Gong Zhang, Cristina Milesi, Hirofumi Hashimoto, Arindam Samanta, Aleixandre Verger, Kumaresh Singh and Ranga B. Myneni 43 (2014)
Simulation of Multitemporal and Hyperspectral Vegetation Canopy Bidirectional Reflectance Using Detailed Virtual 3-D Canopy Models
Theres Kuester, Daniel Spengler, Jean-Francois Barczi, et al. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 52(4) 2096 (2014)
Characterising forest gap fraction with terrestrial lidar and photography: An examination of relative limitations
Quantifying Nonlinear Spectral Mixing in Vegetated Areas: Computer Simulation Model Validation and First Results
Ben Somers, Laurent Tits and Pol Coppin IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing 7(6) 1956 (2014)
The fourth radiation transfer model intercomparison (RAMI‐IV): Proficiency testing of canopy reflectance models with ISO‐13528
J.‐L. Widlowski, B. Pinty, M. Lopatka, C. Atzberger, D. Buzica, M. Chelle, M. Disney, J‐P. Gastellu‐Etchegorry, M. Gerboles, N. Gobron, E. Grau, H. Huang, A. Kallel, H. Kobayashi, P. E. Lewis, W. Qin, M. Schlerf, J. Stuckens and D. Xie Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 118(13) 6869 (2013)
Investigating assumptions of crown archetypes for modelling LiDAR returns
A three‐dimensional analytic model for the scattering of a spherical bush
Robert E. Dickinson, Liming Zhou, Yuhong Tian, Qing Liu, Thomas Lavergne, Bernard Pinty, Crystal B. Schaaf and Yuri Knyazikhin Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 113(D20) (2008)
Steven Hancock, Philip Lewis, Mike Foster, Mathias Disney and Jan-Peter Muller III - 684 (2008)
GreenLab‐tomato: A 3D architectural model of tomato development
Q. X. Dong, Y. M. Wang, L. L. Yang, J. F. Barczi and P. DeReffye New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 50(5) 1229 (2007)
Description and visualization of graminaceous plants with an organ-based 3D architectural model, exemplified for spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.)
Scaling dimensions in spectroscopy of soil and vegetation
Zbyněk Malenovský, Harm M. Bartholomeus, Fausto W. Acerbi-Junior, Jürg T. Schopfer, Thomas H. Painter, Gerrit F. Epema and Arnold K. Bregt International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 9(2) 137 (2007)
Spectral invariants and scattering across multiple scales from within-leaf to canopy
Third Radiation Transfer Model Intercomparison (RAMI) exercise: Documenting progress in canopy reflectance models
J.‐L. Widlowski, M. Taberner, B. Pinty, V. Bruniquel‐Pinel, M. Disney, R. Fernandes, J.‐P. Gastellu‐Etchegorry, N. Gobron, A. Kuusk, T. Lavergne, S. Leblanc, P. E. Lewis, E. Martin, M. Mõttus, P. R. J. North, W. Qin, M. Robustelli, N. Rochdi, R. Ruiloba, C. Soler, R. Thompson, W. Verhoef, M. M. Verstraete and D. Xie Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 112(D9) (2007)
D. Goodenough, J. Li, G. Asner, M. Schaepman, S. Ustin and A. Dyk 2000 (2006)
3-D modelling of the banana architecture for simulation of rainfall interception parameters
Radiation Transfer Model Intercomparison (RAMI) exercise: Results from the second phase
B. Pinty, J.‐L. Widlowski, M. Taberner, N. Gobron, M. M. Verstraete, M. Disney, F. Gascon, J.‐P. Gastellu, L. Jiang, A. Kuusk, P. Lewis, X. Li, W. Ni‐Meister, T. Nilson, P. North, W. Qin, L. Su, S. Tang, R. Thompson, W. Verhoef, H. Wang, J. Wang, G. Yan and H. Zang Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 109(D6) (2004)
Measurement and modelling of the vertical distribution of sunflecks, penumbra and umbra in willow coppice