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Production and Characterization of Two Monoclonal Antibodies Specific for
Plasmopara halstedii
S. Bouterige, R. Robert, J. P. Bouchara, A. Marot-Leblond, V. Molinero and J. M. Senet Applied and Environmental Microbiology 66(8) 3277 (2000)
Colocation of downy mildew (Plasmopara halstedii) resistance genes in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.)
Patricia Roeckel-Drevet, Geneviève Gagne, Said Mouzeyar, Laurent Gentzbittel, Jacqueline Philippon, Paul Nicolas, Denis Tourvieille De Labrouhe and Felicity Vear Euphytica 91(2) 225 (1996)