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Phosphorus desorption and isotope exchange kinetics in agricultural soils
Sabina Braun, Timothy I. McLaren, Emmanuel Frossard, J. R. Marius Tuyishime, Gunnar Börjesson and Jon Petter Gustafsson Soil Use and Management 38(1) 515 (2022)
Soil phosphorus status and P nutrition strategies of European beech forests on carbonate compared to silicate parent material
Jörg Prietzel, Jaane Krüger, Klaus Kaiser, Wulf Amelung, Sara L. Bauke, Michaela A. Dippold, Ellen Kandeler, Wantana Klysubun, Hans Lewandowski, Sebastian Löppmann, Jörg Luster, Sven Marhan, Heike Puhlmann, Marius Schmitt, Maja B. Siegenthaler, Jan Siemens, Sandra Spielvogel, Sabine Willbold, Jan Wolff and Friederike Lang Biogeochemistry 158(1) 39 (2022)
Toward a Global Model for Soil Inorganic Phosphorus Dynamics: Dependence of Exchange Kinetics and Soil Bioavailability on Soil Physicochemical Properties
Ying‐Ping Wang, Yuanyuan Huang, Laurent Augusto, Daniel S. Goll, Julian Helfenstein and Enqing Hou Global Biogeochemical Cycles 36(3) (2022)
Fate of P from organic and inorganic fertilizers assessed by complementary approaches
Estimates of mean residence times of phosphorus in commonly considered inorganic soil phosphorus pools
Julian Helfenstein, Chiara Pistocchi, Astrid Oberson, Federica Tamburini, Daniel S. Goll and Emmanuel Frossard Biogeosciences 17(2) 441 (2020)
A novel isotope pool dilution approach to quantify gross rates of key abiotic and biological processes in the soil phosphorus cycle
Phosphorus sorption capacity and availability along a toposequence of agricultural soils: effects of soil type and a decade of fertilizer applications
C. M. Nobile, M. N. Bravin, E. Tillard, T. Becquer, J.‐M. Paillat and Fiona Nicholson Soil Use and Management 34(4) 461 (2018)
Soil phosphorus supply controls P nutrition strategies of beech forest ecosystems in Central Europe
Soil properties controlling inorganic phosphorus availability: general results from a national forest network and a global compilation of the literature
David Ludovick Achat, Noémie Pousse, Manuel Nicolas, Félix Brédoire and Laurent Augusto Biogeochemistry 127(2-3) 255 (2016)
Soil Testing: Prospects for Improving Nutrient Recommendations
H. Tessen, J. W. B. Stewart and A. Oberson SSSA Special Publications, Soil Testing: Prospects for Improving Nutrient Recommendations 143 (2015)
Assessment of gross and net mineralization rates of soil organic phosphorus – A review
Solubility and mobility of phosphorus recycled from dairy effluents and pig manures in incubated soils with different characteristics
David L. Achat, Marie-Line Daumer, Mathieu Sperandio, Anne-Cécile Santellani and Christian Morel Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 99(1-3) 1 (2014)
Fertilization Strategies Affect Phosphorus Forms and Release from Soils and Suspended Solids
Maize seedling phosphorus nutrition: Allocation of remobilized seed phosphorus reserves and external phosphorus uptake to seedling roots and shoots during early growth stages
Maize (Zea mays L.) endogenous seed phosphorus remobilization is not influenced by exogenous phosphorus availability during germination and early growth stages
Nitrogen use efficiency of 15N-labelled sheep manure and mineral fertiliser applied to microplots in long-term organic and conventional cropping systems
Zinc speciation and isotopic exchangeability in soils polluted with heavy metals
W. E. Diesing, S. Sinaj, G. Sarret, A. Manceau, T. Flura, P. Demaria, A. Siegenthaler, V. Sappin‐Didier and E. Frossard European Journal of Soil Science 59(4) 716 (2008)
Typical features of particulate phosphorus in the Seine estuary (France)
First International Meeting on Microbial Phosphate Solubilization
J. M. Barea, M. Toro and R. Azcón Developments in Plant and Soil Sciences, First International Meeting on Microbial Phosphate Solubilization 102 223 (2007)
Plant-available P for Maize and Cowpea in P-deficient Soils from the Nigerian Northern Guinea Savanna – Comparison of E- and L-values
Stable Isotope Techniques for Assessing Labile Cu in Soils: Development of an L-Value Procedure, Its Application, and Reconciliation with E Values
Ian W. Oliver, Yibing Ma, Enzo Lombi, Annette L. Nolan and Mike J. McLaughlin Environmental Science & Technology 40(10) 3342 (2006)
Fixation of metals in soil constituents and potential remobilization by hyperaccumulating and non-hyperaccumulating plants: Results from an isotopic dilution study
Microorganisms in Soils: Roles in Genesis and Functions
Jose Miguel Barea, R. Azcón and C. Azcón-Aguilar Soil Biology, Microorganisms in Soils: Roles in Genesis and Functions 3 195 (2005)
Retention and phytoavailability of radioniobium in soils
Improvement of Arbuscular Mycorrhiza Development by Inoculation of Soil with Phosphate-Solubilizing Rhizobacteria To Improve Rock Phosphate Bioavailability ((sup32)P) and Nutrient Cycling
The ability of chemical extraction methods to estimate plant-available soil P and a better understanding of P availability of fertilized andosols by using isotopic methods