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In pursuit of soil P mineralization: A review and synthesis of radioisotopic labeling techniques

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Soil phosphorus supply controls P nutrition strategies of beech forest ecosystems in Central Europe

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Nutrient addition affects net and gross mineralization of phosphorus in the organic layer of a tropical montane forest

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Soil Testing: Prospects for Improving Nutrient Recommendations

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Process-based mass-balance modeling of soil phosphorus availability: Testing different scenarios in a long-term maize monoculture

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Fertilization Strategies Affect Phosphorus Forms and Release from Soils and Suspended Solids

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Modeling of phosphorus dynamics in contrasting agroecosystems using long-term field experiments

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Maize seedling phosphorus nutrition: Allocation of remobilized seed phosphorus reserves and external phosphorus uptake to seedling roots and shoots during early growth stages

Muhammad Nadeem, Alain Mollier, Christian Morel, et al.
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Phosphorus status of soils from contrasting forested ecosystems in southwestern Siberia: effects of microbiological and physicochemical properties

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Contributions of microbial and physical–chemical processes to phosphorus availability in Podzols and Arenosols under a temperate forest

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The performance of DGT versus conventional soil phosphorus tests in tropical soils - An isotope dilution study

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Rapid microbial phosphorus immobilization dominates gross phosphorus fluxes in a grassland soil with low inorganic phosphorus availability

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Maize (Zea mays L.) endogenous seed phosphorus remobilization is not influenced by exogenous phosphorus availability during germination and early growth stages

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Phosphorus status of soils from contrasting forested ecosystems in Southwestern Siberia: combined effects of plant species and climate

D. L. Achat, M. R. Bakker, L. Augusto, et al.
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Nitrogen Fertilization Effects on Grassland Soil Acidification: Consequences on Diffusive Phosphorus Ions

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Soil Science Society of America Journal 75 (1) 112 (2011)

Predicting available phosphate ions from physical–chemical soil properties in acidic sandy soils under pine forests

David L. Achat, Laurent Augusto, Christian Morel and Mark R. Bakker
Journal of Soils and Sediments 11 (3) 452 (2011)

Relative contribution of seed phosphorus reserves and exogenous phosphorus uptake to maize (Zea mays L.) nutrition during early growth stages

Muhammad Nadeem, Alain Mollier, Christian Morel, et al.
Plant and Soil 346 (1-2) 231 (2011)

Fresh and residual phosphorus uptake by ryegrass from soils with different fertilization histories

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Modification of P availability by endogeic earthworms (Glossoscolecidae) in Ferralsols of the Malagasy Highlands

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Biology and Fertility of Soils 45 (4) 415 (2009)

Assessing chromate availability in tropical ultramafic soils using isotopic exchange kinetics

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Journal of Soils and Sediments 9 (5) 468 (2009)

Nitrogen use efficiency of 15N-labelled sheep manure and mineral fertiliser applied to microplots in long-term organic and conventional cropping systems

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Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 83 (3) 271 (2009)

Evaluation of the phosphorus status of P-deficient podzols in temperate pine stands: combining isotopic dilution and extraction methods

David L. Achat, Mark R. Bakker, Laurent Augusto, et al.
Biogeochemistry 92 (3) 183 (2009)

Zinc speciation and isotopic exchangeability in soils polluted with heavy metals

W. E. Diesing, S. Sinaj, G. Sarret, A. Manceau, T. Flura, P. Demaria, A. Siegenthaler, V. Sappin‐Didier and E. Frossard
European Journal of Soil Science 59 (4) 716 (2008)

Does the enhanced P acquisition by maize following legumes in a rotation result from improved soil P availability?

Pieter Pypers, Michael Huybrighs, Jan Diels, et al.
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 39 (10) 2555 (2007)

First International Meeting on Microbial Phosphate Solubilization

J. M. Barea, M. Toro and R. Azcón
Developments in Plant and Soil Sciences, First International Meeting on Microbial Phosphate Solubilization 102 223 (2007)

Plant-available P for Maize and Cowpea in P-deficient Soils from the Nigerian Northern Guinea Savanna – Comparison of E- and L-values

Pieter Pypers, Liesbeth Van Loon, Jan Diels, et al.
Plant and Soil 283 (1-2) 251 (2006)

Stable Isotope Techniques for Assessing Labile Cu in Soils:  Development of an L-Value Procedure, Its Application, and Reconciliation with E Values

Ian W. Oliver, Yibing Ma, Enzo Lombi, Annette L. Nolan and Mike J. McLaughlin
Environmental Science & Technology 40 (10) 3342 (2006)

Fixation of metals in soil constituents and potential remobilization by hyperaccumulating and non-hyperaccumulating plants: Results from an isotopic dilution study

Daniel Hammer, Catherine Keller, Michael J. McLaughlin and Rebecca E. Hamon
Environmental Pollution 143 (3) 407 (2006)

Microorganisms in Soils: Roles in Genesis and Functions

Jose Miguel Barea, R. Azcón and C. Azcón-Aguilar
Soil Biology, Microorganisms in Soils: Roles in Genesis and Functions 3 195 (2005)

Nutrient dynamics and control of eutrophication in the Marne River system: modelling the role of exchangeable phosphorus

Josette Garnier, Julien Némery, Gilles Billen and Sylvain Théry
Journal of Hydrology 304 (1-4) 397 (2005)

Phosphorus budget in the Marne Watershed (France): urban vs. diffuse sources, dissolved vs. particulate forms

Julien Némery, Josette Garnier and Christian Morel
Biogeochemistry 72 (1) 35 (2005)

Assessment of lead availability in contaminated soil using isotope dilution techniques

N. Tongtavee, J. Shiowatana, Ronald G. McLaren and Colin W. Gray
Science of The Total Environment 348 (1-3) 244 (2005)

Basal organic phosphorus mineralization in soils under different farming systems

Fritz Oehl, Emmanuel Frossard, Andreas Fliessbach, David Dubois and Astrid Oberson
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 36 (4) 667 (2004)

Plant-availability of phosphorus in filter substrates derived from small-scale wastewater treatment systems

M.Elisabeth Kvarnström, Christian A.L Morel and Tore Krogstad
Ecological Engineering 22 (1) 1 (2004)

Isotope methods for assessing plant available phosphorus in acid tropical soils

S. Bühler, A. Oberson, S. Sinaj, D. K. Friesen and E. Frossard
European Journal of Soil Science 54 (3) 605 (2003)

Water-extractable and exchangeable phosphate in Martian and carbonaceous chondrite meteorites and in planetary soil analogs

Michael N. Mautner and Sokrat Sinaj
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 66 (17) 3161 (2002)

Organic Phosphorus Mineralization Studies Using Isotopic Dilution Techniques

F. Oehl, A. Oberson, S. Sinaj and E. Frossard
Soil Science Society of America Journal 65 (3) 780 (2001)

Relationship between the isotopically exchangeable and resin-extractable phosphate of deficient to heavily fertilized soil

A. Schneider and C. Morel
European Journal of Soil Science 51 (4) 709 (2000)

Assessment of Isotopically Exchangeable Zinc in Polluted and Nonpolluted Soils

S. Sinaj, F. Ma¨chler and E. Frossard
Soil Science Society of America Journal 63 (6) 1618 (1999)

Interference of colloidal particles in the determination of orthophosphate concentrations in soil water extracts

Sokrat Sinaj, Félix Mächler, Emmanuel Frossard, et al.
Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 29 (9-10) 1091 (1998)

P-Isotopic exchange values in relation to Po mineralisation in soils with very low P-sorbing capacities

Danilo Lopez-Hernandez, M. Brossard and E. Frossard
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 30 (13) 1663 (1998)

Isotope techniques to study phosphorus cycling in agricultural and forest soils: a review

H. J. Di, L. M. Condron and E. Frossard
Biology and Fertility of Soils 24 (1) 1 (1997)

Improvement of Arbuscular Mycorrhiza Development by Inoculation of Soil with Phosphate-Solubilizing Rhizobacteria To Improve Rock Phosphate Bioavailability ((sup32)P) and Nutrient Cycling

M Toro, R Azcon and J Barea
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 63 (11) 4408 (1997)

The Isotope Exchange Kinetic Technique: A Method to Describe the Availability of Inorganic Nutrients. Applications to K, P, S and Zn

E. Frossard and S. Sinaj
Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies 33 (1-2) 61 (1997)

Can isotopic exchange kinetics give valuable information on the rate of mineralization of organic phosphorus in soils?

E. Frossard, D. López-Hernández and M. Brossard
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 28 (7) 857 (1996)

The ability of chemical extraction methods to estimate plant-available soil P and a better understanding of P availability of fertilized andosols by using isotopic methods

Naoto Kato, Felipe Zapata and Jean-Claude Fardeau
Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 41 (4) 781 (1995)

The role of isotopic techniques on the evaluation of the agronomic effectiveness of P fertilizers

J. C. Fardeau, G. Guiraud and C. Marol
Fertilizer Research 45 (2) 101 (1995)