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Plant Breeding for Intercropping in Temperate Field Crop Systems: A Review
Virginia M. Moore, Brandon Schlautman, Shui-zhang Fei, Lucas M. Roberts, Marnin Wolfe, Matthew R. Ryan, Samantha Wells and Aaron J. Lorenz Frontiers in Plant Science 13 (2022)
Breeding Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) in Mixture with Grasses
Pea Breeding for Intercropping With Cereals: Variation for Competitive Ability and Associated Traits, and Assessment of Phenotypic and Genomic Selection Strategies
Paolo Annicchiarico, Nelson Nazzicari, Tommaso Notario, Cristina Monterrubio Martin, Massimo Romani, Barbara Ferrari and Luciano Pecetti Frontiers in Plant Science 12 (2021)
Nitrogen Demand Associated with Increased Biomass Yield of Switchgrass and Big Bluestem: Implications for Future Breeding Strategies
Changes in yield and gas exchange parameters in Festulolium and alfalfa grown in pure sowing and in mixture under drought stress
Mariola Staniak, Jolanta Bojarszczuk and Jerzy Księżak Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B — Soil & Plant Science 68(3) 255 (2018)
Performance of lucerne genotypes for biomass production and nitrogen content differs in monoculture and in mixture with grasses and is partly predicted from traits recorded on isolated plants
Amel Maamouri, Gaëtan Louarn, Vincent Béguier and Bernadette Julier Crop and Pasture Science 68(11) 942 (2017)
Achievements and Challenges in Improving Temperate Perennial Forage Legumes
Paolo Annicchiarico, Brent Barrett, E. Charles Brummer, Bernadette Julier and Athole H. Marshall Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences 34(1-3) 327 (2015)
Effects of lucerne genotype on morphology, biomass production and nitrogen content of lucerne and tall fescue in mixed pastures
Amel Maamouri, Ga�tan Louarn, Fran�ois Gastal, Vincent B�guier and Bernadette Julier Crop and Pasture Science 66(2) 192 (2015)
A mathematical model for the evaluation of cooperation and competition effects in intercrops
Forage and seed yield response of lucerne cultivars to chemically weeded and non-weeded managements and implications for germplasm choice in organic farming
Effects of irrigation and harvest management on dry-matter yield and seed yield of annual clovers grown in pure stand and in mixtures with graminaceous species in a Mediterranean environment