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Relating Epidemic Progress from a General Disease Model to Seasonal Appearance Time of Rusts in the United States: Implications for Soybean Rust

Shimon Pivonia and X. B. Yang
Phytopathology® 96 (4) 400 (2006)

Diseases of groundnut in West Africa and their management: Research priorities and strategies†

P. Subrahmanyam, D. C. Greenbergj, S. Savary and J. P. Bosc
Tropical Pest Management 37 (3) 259 (1991)

The effect of age of the groundnut crop on the development of primary gradients of Puccinia arachidis foci

S. Savary
Netherlands Journal of Plant Pathology 93 (1) 15 (1987)

Enquête sur les maladies fongiques de l'arachide (Arachis hypogaea) en Côte-d'Ivoire. II. Epidémiologie de la rouille de l'arachide (Puccinia arachidis)

S. Savary
Netherlands Journal of Plant Pathology 93 (5) 215 (1987)

Decrease by plant development and leaf age of susceptibility of groundnut to rust (Puccinia arachidis) in a susceptible cultivar

S. Savary
Netherlands Journal of Plant Pathology 93 (1) 25 (1987)

Rain-induced dispersal in Puccinia arachidis, studied by means of a rainfall simulator

S. Savary and J. L. Janeau
Netherlands Journal of Plant Pathology 92 (4) 163 (1986)