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Cited article:

Use of sewage sludge compost and Trichoderma asperellum isolates to suppress Fusarium wilt of tomato

L. Cotxarrera, M.I. Trillas-Gay, C. Steinberg and C. Alabouvette
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 34 (4) 467 (2002)

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Hamid Amir, Atika Amir and Amar Riba
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 28 (1) 113 (1996)

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Soil Biology and Biochemistry 24 (3) 249 (1992)

Studies of the survival ofFusarium oxysporum conidia produced by submerged culture

A. Durand, C. Vergoignan and S. Almanza
Biotechnology Letters 11 (7) 503 (1989)