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Plum Pox Virus Coat Protein Gene Intron-hairpin-RNA (ihpRNA) Constructs Provide Resistance to Plum Pox Virus in Nicotiana benthamiana and Prunus domestica

Jean-Michel Hily, Michel Ravelonandro, Vern Damsteegt, Carole Bassett, Cesar Petri, Zongrang Liu and Ralph Scorza
Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 132 (6) 850 (2007)

The use of transgenic fruit trees as a resistance strategy for virus epidemics: the plum pox (sharka) model

M Ravelonandro, R Scorza, A Callahan, et al.
Virus Research 71 (1-2) 63 (2000)

Some results of 50 years’ research on resistance to plum poxpotyvirus

Hartmut Kegler, Egon Fuchs, Maria Grüntzig and Steffen Schwarz
Archives Of Phytopathology And Plant Protection 31 (6) 479 (1998)

Die viruskonzentration als merkmal der quantitativen virusresistenz der pflanzen (Übersichtsarbeit)

Hartmut Kegler
Archives Of Phytopathology And Plant Protection 28 (1) 3 (1992)

Nachweis quantitativer Resistenz bei Apfel gegen das Apfelmosaik-Virus (apple mosaic virus)

Frank Otto, Egon Fuchs, Hartmut Kegler, Maria Grüntzig and Uwe Meyer
Archives Of Phytopathology And Plant Protection 26 (6) 525 (1990)

Experiments on resistance of plum varieties and hybrids to plum pox virus in Moldavia

Tatjana F. Bivol, Vavara F. Ignat, Elena A. Kukurusak and Hartmut Kegler
Archives Of Phytopathology And Plant Protection 23 (6) 443 (1987)

Untersuchungen zum Nachweis des Scharka-Virus (plum pox virus) in Pflaumenbäumen

Maria Grüntzig, Egon Fuchs and Hartmut Kegler
Archives Of Phytopathology And Plant Protection 22 (6) 441 (1986)

Nachweis unterschiedlicher Resistenztypen bei Pflaumen gegen das Scharka-Virus (plum pox virus)

Hartmut Kegler, Elke Bauer, Maria Grüntzig, et al.
Archives Of Phytopathology And Plant Protection 21 (5) 339 (1985)