Estimation of nitrogen mineralization in the field from an incubation test and from soil analysis p. 349 Jean-Emmanuel Delphin DOI: AbstractPDF (99.86 KB)References
Effects of various rootstocks on xylem exudates cytokinin content, nutrient uptake and growth patterns of grapevine Vitis vinifera L. cv. Thompson seedless p. 363 Nikolaos Nikolaou, Magdalini A. Koukourikou and Nikitas Karagiannidis DOI: AbstractPDF (60.91 KB)References
Germination behaviour of red rice (Oryza sativa L.) seeds in field and laboratory conditions p. 375 Francesco Vidotto and Aldo Ferrero DOI: AbstractPDF (56.98 KB)References
Capacity of soil amendments in lowering the phytoavailability of sludge-borne zinc p. 383 Michel J. Mench, Alain Manceau, Jaco Vangronsveld, Herman Clijsters and Bernard Mocquot DOI: AbstractPDF (181.3 KB)References
Salt stress effect on epinasty in relation to ethylene production and water relations in tomato p. 399 Youssef El-Iklil, Mohammed Karrou and Mohamed Benichou DOI: AbstractPDF (180.3 KB)References
Behaviour of apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) cultivars in the presence of sharka (plum pox potyvirus): a review p. 407 P. Martínez-Gómez, F. Dicenta and J.M. Audergon DOI: AbstractPDF (61.46 KB)References
The absence of the short arm of chromosome 7B produces inhibition of N mobilization and decreases grain protein concentration in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cv. Chinese Spring p. 423 Nora Fatta, Carla Caputo and Atilio J. Barneix DOI: AbstractPDF (29.45 KB)References
A study of genetic variability in Sesbania pachycarpa DC. in Burkina Faso p. 431 Yacoubou Bakasso and Jean-Didier Zongo DOI: AbstractPDF (49.20 KB)References
Wood elasticity of several Coffea canephora Pierre clones. A new trait to be included in selection schemes p. 439 Christian Cilas, Christophe Montagnon, Benoit Bertrand and Christophe Godin DOI: AbstractPDF (48.32 KB)References