Free Access
Volume 15, Number 7-8, 1995
Page(s) 512 - 513
Agronomie 15 (1995) 512-513
DOI: 10.1051/agro:19950753

Studies on the various factors influencing the occurrence of wheat mosaic diseases with an emphasis on the vector Polymyxa graminis

F. Gittona, O. Ducrotb, S. Lochinb and D. Didelotb

a  Université catholique de Louvain, facultés des sciences agronomiques, unité de phytopathologie, place Croix-du-Sud, bte 3, B-1348 Louvainla-Neuve, Belgium
b  Service régional de la protection des végétaux, 93, rue de Curembourg, BP 210, F-45403 Fleury-les-Aubrais Cedex, France

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